Museum's history


The building of National Gallery, annex of NafplioThe historical neoclassical building on Sidiras Merarchias Street, no. 23, in Nafplion, was built in 1905, according to “K.P.Chantzaras’s architectural plan” as the built in marble inscription reads. This building was used by its owner, the gynecologist and subsequently Mayor of Nafplion, Geor. Pant. Minaios,  as a private clinic. Later, when the clinic stopped functioning, the building housed successively the Hospital of Nafplion, the Gendarmerie Headquarters and, finally, the tavern “Nicolas”.

After a compulsory expropriation and the coordinated actions of the Mayor at the time, Geor. Tsournos, the building was acquired by the Municipality of Nafplion. In 1997 the use of the building was granted to the National Gallery, so that its third annex would be housed there (following the annexes of Sparta and Corfu), after its necessary renovation.

Labrini Karakourti-Orfanopoulou, Curator in National Gallery, annex of Nafplio